Writing Workshops

Creative Writing Workshop Using the AWA Method

Don’t know where to begin writing, experiencing writer’s block, want to meet other writers? Come join beginning and experienced writers in the spirit of a writing community. During workshops, participants write in response to provided prompts and have the option to read their work aloud.  All writing is treated as fiction to keep the focus on the writing. Confidentiality is respected and maintained. Participants receive positive feedback on what is strong in the writing. Time is allotted to discuss elements of writing which help the writer improve their craft.

Life Writing: Tell Your Story 

We are transitional individuals who have lived history and we have stories to tell. We are privileged to have pearls of wisdom and a life-long storehouse of knowledge as part of us. This writing workshop is an opportunity to tell our stories in a safe and confidential atmosphere in our writing community.

 As facilitator, I help writers find their unique voice, use their wisdom and knowledge to put their story on the page, and support them to have the courage to share what was written. Inside each of us is a part that wants to create, to write. Every story has value and we all have stories we want to tell. Now is the time to do it, to preserve our experiences.  Sessions take place via Zoom or in person and meet for 8 weeks that allows for the development of writing community. 

Words of Wisdom: Spiritual Journaling for Women Discovering the Journey Within

Do you pay attention and listen to your life experiences?  Do you want to take those experiences and learn how to keep a spiritual journal as part of your spiritual practice?  Come and join other writers who want to discover the sacredness in personal memories while supporting spiritual growth. Spiritual Journaling for Women uses spiritual writing prompts, images, Scripture passages and more to to discover answers within. We journal our personal thoughts by connecting hope, faith, doubt, sorrow and joy.  Through honest inquiry, discover answers to questions you reflect on as you journal answers that may be revealed. Savor the meditative process as you listen to your voice and put into words what you hear.

Personal Journaling

Do you keep a journal? Don’t keep one because you don’t know how to start or what to write? The Personal Journaling workshop will answer those questions and much more. Journaling is found to be an effective healing tool with many positive benefits. Journaling helps in recovery from grief and loss, improves perspectives on life, clarifies unanswered questions and enhances personal growth.  Through the regular recording of thoughts, personal insights are gained. Journaling can be a permanent record and journaled thoughts, feelings and insights are often used as a guide for future writing projects.  Entries can be expanded into personal essays or stories while solidifying memories to help write your memoir or life story.

Journal Writing for Caregivers

As a caregiver, do you wonder how you can reduce stress, provide some “me-time” and re-direct bouts of anger? Caring for yourself by reducing your stress will better enable you to be present for what comes your way. Journal writing can be reflective writing that helps mental, physical and emotional health.  The Journal Writing for Caregivers workshop provides an opportunity to clarify issues, concerns and challenges that affect the caregiver and the person receiving the care.  Discover how writing your thoughts and feelings may help you the caregiver, gain a better understanding of the issues taking place.

Women Write: Thrive Through the Chaos of Divorce!

The journey through divorce is often a time of confusion, uncertainty, challenge and chaos. Don’t just survive, thrive through the divorce process! This workshop provides a safe and supportive community for women experiencing this challenge. Through nurturing writing prompts, participants write from their deepest emotions as they journey to clarity, certainty and forward thinking in a nurturing environment.

Write Your Loss- No Matter What or When

Everyone experiences loss. It comes at different times and means different things. Loss often happens when least expected. It can be subtle such as downsizing, kids going off to college or a major life disruption when you begin the next chapter of your life. The Write Your Loss-No Matter What or When workshop is the opportunity to name and own your loss, as you write through it while moving forward. Using provided writing prompts, we’ll write together in a supportive environment while we support each other.